1. Register / Sign In 账号注册/登入
Register or Sign in at www.faifong.com.my
点击 www.faifong.com.my 注册账号/登入。
2. Add to cart 加入购物车
Choose the product and ADD TO CART
3. View / Update Cart 审视/更新购物车
Click VIEW CART to view and make changes to your shopping cart
点击 VIEW CART (审视购物车) 确认和更改下单产品
Click UPDATE CART to update your changes
点击 UPDATE CART (更新购物车) 以更改最新下单产品
Click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT to proceed with your orders
点击 PROCEED TO CHECKOUT (结算程序) 为最终确认产品下单。
4. Place Order 下单
Review the content of your orders, and Fill in the billing and shipping details, click PLACE ORDER to place your order
最后审视您预订的产品,并填写付款和递送资料,点击 PLACE ORDER(下单)。
5. Make Payment 付款
iPay88 will be our payment gateway
Choose your payment options
Make your payment and you will receive a purchase confirmation email after payment
6. Receive Parcel 收货
* Please expect delays on your orders due to couriers overwhelmed by lockdown demand
* 由于 MCO 网购人数爆增,或许会影响快递公司的托运速度。若有不便,凡请顾客见谅。
1. General Terms 普通条款
Free delivery services within West Malaysia on purchases above 168.00
凡西马地区消费者在单张收据里消费满 168 令吉,皆免邮。
For order under RM168.00, a delivery fee of RM10 will apply
消费未满 168 令吉的顾客,运费为 10 令吉。
No changes are allowed after payment has been made
Goods will only be dispatched after payment has been received
2. Delivery 快递服务
West Malaysia : 3-4 working days
西马地区:3 至 4 个工作日
One delivery address per transaction only
Please expect delays on your orders due to couriers overwhelmed by lockdown demand
由于 MCO 网购人数爆增,或许会影响快递公司的托运速度。若有不便,凡请顾客见谅。
3. Packaging 包装
All mooncake and biscuit products are packed in containers and come with premium gift bags
4. Storage 产品保存
Customers are advised to consume our products as soon as possible after opening
5. Make Payment 付款
iPay88 will be our payment gateway
Choose your payment options
Make your payment and you will receive a purchase confirmation email after payment
6. Receive Parcel 收货
* Please expect delays on your orders due to couriers overwhelmed by lockdown demand
* 由于 MCO 网购人数爆增,或许会影响快递公司的托运速度。若有不便,凡请顾客见谅
Register or Sign in at www.faifong.com.my
点击 www.faifong.com.my 注册账号/登入。

You will receive an email confirming your payment (purchase receipt). It may take up to 24 hours for your order status to update from pending to processing. Note that status viewing is only applicable when you Register / Sign In at the time of purchase.
我们会透过电邮向您确认订单 (购物收据)。从有待确定到处理过程,您的订单也许需要24小时来更新您的订购状况。然而,唯有登记 / 登录后订购,您才能查询订购状况。
Defective or non-confirming goods are exchangeable on a one-to-one basic within four (3) working days. No cash refunds.
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